Michael P. Douthart

Hi!   My name is Michael,

It has been my great pleasure, during the last twenty years of life, to train young ministers.  DHM was born in 2001 as the fulfillment of a need to teach young men God was bringing my way how to use the gift He has given us, called ministry.  I feel that no one person causes a ministry to work, but rather when a team works together big things can be accomplished to advance the kingdom of God.  To achieve this I prayed to God for a name to call ourselves, God spoke to me, that we should go Deliver His Message. The name was simple and the work began. We started out with myself, Tim McCaslin and my wife Vicky. Shortly after God added two more Alex McCaslin and Brandon Ousley. The five of us traveled for about a year and then God added Jim Howk, Jesse Read, Matthew Streeter and Varick Gordon.  Ministry is a gift, but it is a gift for all who desire it. My aim is to teach ministry or “how to serve” by doing ministry and I believe this team is learning very well how to reach beyond themselves and show you Jesus. I could write pages of my personal experience, but this is not a resume, it is a biography of how God took nine people over the last several years and is giving them the chance to become the men and woman God has called each one of us to be. We pray that God will encourage each one of you as we Deliver His Message.

God Bless,
Michael Douthart 

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